Tag Archives: Father

Real Dads

16 Jun

Father and son 27

Not long ago, I posted my thoughts on Real Men.  In honor of Father’s Day, I like to give my opinion on real dads.  These thoughts are based on years of experience and observation.  I’ve seen some real dads and I’ve seen some fathers who pretend to be real dads and I’ve seen some who don’t even try.  I would also like to say this:  if you feel like you aren’t being a real dad, it’s never too late to change things!

Read dads are there – maybe they aren’t living in the same house.  Maybe they work all the wrong hours.  Maybe they even live states away.  But, when they are around, they are THERE.  They give their undivided attention.  They prioritize appropriately.  They listen.  They play.  They laugh.  They back mom up.  They discipline.  They focus on the quality, not just the quantity.

Real dads hug – always.  They hug, they give pats on the back, they ruffle your hair.  They tickle and wrestle.  They give piggy back rides and hold little hands.  They know that just saying, “I love you,” is never enough and they seek to show it often.

Real dads cry – They have tears of joy at the births of their children.  They have tears of pride at graduations and winning seasons. They cry when they give their baby girl away and when their son becomes a dad. They don’t always showcase their emotions, but when they do…. it’s the silent tears that drop that show the strength, character, and love of a real dad.

Real dads are sturdy – They are a wall of strength when the happiness of their children is threatened. They are a steadfast place to run when everything is falling apart. They are an unbendable set of rules when little minds need to learn discipline and structure. They are a constant protector from monsters under the bed and real life terrors. They are superheroes and kings.

Real dads are dependable – They example the importance of keeping your word. They are able to be counted on financially, emotionally, spiritually…. every day, in each way that they are needed. They step up and they take responsibility, they go above and beyond the minimal. They are security.

Real dads let go – When they have done everything they can and raised their children. When they have watched those tiny people turn into parents and spouses. When they have cheered on the sidelines and helped to pick up the pieces. They let go and watch their children fly. And they still cheer from the sidelines and they still love; but they do it all with the knowledge that they have helped create the wings to fly.

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